A set of costumes and accessories perfect for those seeking new looks and classic styles alike.
Altina's Black Rabbit Costume x 1 Rean's Military Uniform x 1 Kurt's Military Uniform x 1 Ash's Military Uniform x 1 Elliot's Military Uniform x 1 Machias' Military Uniform x 1 Jusis' Military Uniform x 1 Gaius' Military Uniform x 1 Crow's Military Uniform x 1 Randy's SSS Jacket x 1 Tita's Work Clothes x 1 Tita's Mechanic Hat x 1 Oz Mirage "Cobalt" x 10 Oz Mirage "Crimson" x 10
*These items can be claimed from the DLC tab on the Item page. After obtaining the items, they can be equipped from the Costume page on the Camp Menu.